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Dynamic Braking Resistors

Regeneration of energy in variable speed drives occurs when the motor rotor exceeds the variable speed of the stator or that the motor acts as a generator. Dynamic Braking Resistors are typically used in applications where braking cycles are short or regenerative power is small.

In conjunction with the dynamic braking transistors are connected to the drive bus to dissipate energy as heat.

In order to calculate the required braking resistance in a particular application, it is necessary to know the total cycle time, including both the working time in the motor mode, the stopping time and the braking time. It is also important to know the torque required for braking since with this data the required peak power will be obtained.

The Dynamic Braking Resistor shall meet the following requirements:

-Be able to permanently dissipate the average power required by the cycle.

-Dissipate the calculated peak power (Check Resistance characteristics if able to dissipate peak power for the required time).

-Ohmic value higher than the minimum indicated in the catalog of the Inverter.


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